首页> 中文期刊> 《蚌埠医学院学报》 >综合重症监护病房病人医院感染的目标性监测分析




目的:调查综合重症监护病房(ICU)病人医院感染的发生情况.方法:采用目标性监测方法,调查并分析2014-2015年某医院综合ICU病人医院感染的发生情况.结果:共监测病人857例,发生医院感染48例次,例次感染率为5.6%,调整感染率为1.55%,调整日感染率为10.32‰.其中呼吸机相关性肺炎日感染率为16.54‰,留置导尿管相关性尿路感染日感染率为1.27‰,中心静脉置管相关性血流日感染率为1.15‰.结论:ICU医院感染发病率较高,主要为3种侵入性操作相关感染;目标性监测可及时获得ICU医院感染动态信息,有助于制定针对性干预措施,减少医院感染的发生.%Objective:To investigate the incidence of nosocomial infection in ICU.Methods:The incidence of the nosocomial infection in ICU was investigated using the targeted monitoring method from 2014 to 2015.Results:Eight hundred and fifty-seven patients were monitored.The nosocomial infection in 48 cases were found.The case infection rate,adjustment infection rate and adjustment day infection rate were 5.6%,1.55% and 10.32‰,respectively.The ventilator-associated pneumonia day infection rate,indwelling catheter-associated urinary tract day infection rate and central venous cannula-associated blood flow day infection rate were 16.54‰,1.27‰ and 1.15‰,respectively.Conclusions:The incidence of nosocomial infection in ICU is high,which mainly comes from three kinds of invasive operations.The targeted monitoring can timely obtain the dynamic information of nosocomial infection,and making specific intervention measures can reduce the incidence of hospital infection.



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