首页> 中文期刊>北京工业大学学报(社会科学版) >摩尔多瓦政局与“一带一路”框架下的中摩合作




介绍了近期摩尔多瓦出现的不间断的反对派抗议活动,分析了其原因,有经济原因,也有社会分化的政治因素,而且西方国家的插手也加剧了其内部矛盾。但这场动荡不会演变成一场大规模危机。摩尔多瓦独立以来,中摩合作已取得一定成果。但摩尔多瓦政局不稳对“一带一路”倡议的实施会带来了一定的风险和挑战。在“一带一路”框架下中国如何开展对摩尔多瓦的基础设施建设投资及其他活动,还需要对其局势有清醒认识和判断。%The article describes the ongoing protest activity of the opposition in Moldova recently, analyses the reasons, which included economic reasons and internal political contradiction of social differentiation. At the same time, intervention from the West has intensified its internal contradictions. However, as matters stand, the unrest in Moldova will not turn into a big crisis. Since the independence of Moldova, some cooperation achievements have been made between China and Moldova. However, the political instability of Moldova brings certain risks and challenges to the implementation of“The Belt and Road”. Having a clear understanding and judgments of the situation in Moldova are good for Chinese infrastructure investment and other activities in Moldova under the framework of “The Belt and Road”.



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