首页> 中文期刊> 《北京警察学院学报 》 >“有权不可任性”的政治意蕴初探--兼谈学习《政府工作报告》




Chinese Premier Li keqiang humorously said “It goes without saying that powers should not be held without good reason” when he made the report on the Work of Government in 2015. This popular sentence is not only a popular saying but a declaration of the construction of modern government which is full of political implications. Macroscopically speaking, this statement means optimizing the government duties, streamlining administration and delegating power. At the middle level, it means government should build scientiifc and reasonable performance evaluation system. Microscopically, it calls on the whole party members and cadres to establish and practice a correct outlook on power.%“大道至简,有权不可任性”是李克强总理在作《政府工作报告》时的幽默表述,这不仅是一句流行的话语,更是建设现代政府的宣言,有着深刻的政治意蕴。从宏观上讲,“有权不可任性”要求优化政府职能,实行简政放权;从中观上讲,“有权不可任性”就是建立健全科学合理的政绩考核体系;从微观上讲,“有权不可任性”要求党员干部树立并践行正确的权力观。



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