首页> 中文期刊> 《北京城市学院学报》 >书法教学对传统文化资源传承的策略探析




With the vigorous development of China's education,the main task of calligraphy curriculum has been considered far more than cultivating the students'cognition of understanding.It is given new contents in this new educational environment and background.By studying and understanding the traditional calligraphy,students can be led to participate in the cultural transmission and exchange,and cognize Chinese characters and Chinese civilization in a broader cultural context.Calligraphy courses should pay attention to blend the traditional culture into the class,through various experiencing courses to cultivate students'understanding of the traditional culture,so as to achieve educational objectives of inheritance and protection of the Chinese civilization,and development and dissemination of five-thousand-year Chinese traditional culture.%随着我国教育事业的蓬勃发展,书法课程的主要任务已经远远不止是培养学生的理解认知能力,它在新的教育环境和时代背景下被赋予了新的内容。学习了解传统书法可以引导学生参与文化的传承和交流,在更广泛的文化情境中认识中国文字和中华文明。书法课程应注重将传统文化融入课堂,通过多种形式的课程形式体验来培养学生对传统文化的理解感悟,从而实现继承保护华夏文明,发展和传播中华五千年的文化传统的教育目的。



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