首页> 中文期刊> 《弹道学报》 >基于 ESO 的目标机动补偿反比例制导律

基于 ESO 的目标机动补偿反比例制导律



To improve the efficiency of guidance system intercepting high maneuvering target,a target maneuvering compensation retro-proportional navigation was designed based on the method of extended state observer (ESO)and the strategy of retro-proportional navigation.A guidance model was deduced in the two-dimensional coordinate system considering the dynamic characteristic of autopilot.An extended state observer was designed,and it was combined with retro-proportional navigation.A target maneuvering compensation retro-proportional navigation with ESO was designed,and this guidance law can estimate the target maneuvering effectively, compensate the uncertainty disturbance and improve navigation precision.The designed navigation was compared with the classical proportional navigation and retro-proportional navigation.The simulation results show that the target maneuvering compensation retro-proportional navigation reduces the target-missing and the relative velocity between the missile and the target,and increases the interception time in some extend,and improves the efficiency of guidance system.%为提高导弹制导系统对于高速机动目标的拦截效能,基于扩张状态观测器方法和反比例制导策略,设计了一种带扩张状态观测器的反比例制导律。考虑导弹自动驾驶仪动态特性,推导了平面内的制导模型;设计了扩张状态观测器(ESO),将其与反比例导引策略相结合,设计了带 ESO 的反比例制导律,该制导律能有效估计目标机动并充分补偿制导律的不确定性干扰,有效提高制导精度;将设计的带 ESO 的反比例制导律与经典比例制导律、普通反比例制导律进行仿真对比。仿真结果表明:所设计的带 ESO 的反比例制导律能减小弹目相对速度与脱靶量,适当地增加拦截时间,有效提高了制导系统对于高速机动目标的拦截效能。



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