首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 >司法警官类高职院校科研创新团队建设研究——以陕西警官职业学院为摹本




司法警官类高职院校科研创新团队囿于学校的行政化氛围太浓、师资知识结构不敷满足多学科交叉及实证研究之需要,加之教师岗位实践经验又匮乏,造成科研团队的拼凑性、为评职称、为课题而科研。科研的质量不高,社会服务能力亟需提升。为高职院校长远发展计,宜紧贴司法实践,进行应用性研究,服务司法实务。教师应该加强实证研究方面的培训,提高社会学素养,深入基层实践,放下身段,做实证性的研究。如此历练有年,科研团队的建设水平可望提高,学院的办学质量必有长足提振。%The vocational colleges of judicial police officer have strong senses of administration, whose scientific research teams, because their knowledge structure is one-sided, their practical experience is not enough and their purpose to carry out scientific research is just for professional evaluation, tend to be lack of ability to provide so- cial service and do real research work. For the long term development of vocational colleges, the scientific re- search should combine with and serve for the judicial practice. Therefore, the teachers should strengthen the training of empirical research, itnprove their own sociology accomplishment, and go down to the basic practice, which can undoubtedly improve their scientific research level and benefit the education quality of the colleges.



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