首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 >“两个当场”情境下敲诈勒索罪认定刍议




敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪之间的区分向来为司法实践中的疑难问题之一,特别是行为人当场实施暴力、当场取得财物的情况下,如何对行为进行准确定性,直接关系到刑法适用的准确性。“两个当场”原则并非区分敲诈勒索罪与抢劫罪的决定因素,应综合考虑行为人犯罪时实施暴力的程度、对象、时间及行为人当场取得财物的原因等具体情形,切实贯彻罪责刑相适应的刑法原则,做到罚当其罪。当无法确定当场暴力程度能否达到使他人不能反抗的程度时,应根据“存疑有利被告”的原则,认定为敲诈勒索罪。%In judicial practice, it is difficult to distinguish the crime of extortion from the crime of robbery, especially in the situation that the actor turned violent on the spot and obtained property on the spot, which directly influences the application of the criminal law. The principle of the two “on the spot” is not the determinant, and the actor’s violent degree, objective, time and the property should all be taken into accounts. We should implement the responsibility going with penalty principle, and adhere to the thought of the Accused Innocent until Proven Guilty. When it is unable to determine the level of violence on the spot whether it can reach the level of which others cannot be resistance, we should be based on the principle of "doubtful" favorable defendants, and determine it the crime of extortion.



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