首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >我国单叶蔓荆药用植物资源调查




[目的]调查我国单叶蔓荆的资源状况,为单叶蔓荆的可持续利用提供科学基础和参考依据.[方法]采用走访调查和实地样方调查的方法分别对我国单叶蔓荆野生和栽培资源进行调查.[结果]与第3次中药资源普查相比,除江西省单叶蔓荆分布面积增加外(增加15.5%),其余各省分布面积均明显减少.从目前资源拥有量状况来看,单叶蔓荆处于原始状态的为876.33 hm2,占总数的31.3%;处于被轻度采挖的为405.00 hm2,占总数的l4.4%;处于被过度采挖的为625.33 hm2,占总数的22.3%;处于残存的为895.64hm2,占总数的32.0%.[结论]我国单叶蔓荆资源正在减少,人们对其资源保护的认识不够,需加强对其资源的保护力度.%[Objective]The aim was to investigate the resources situation of Vitex trifolia L. Var. Simplicifolia Cham. In China in order to provide scientific foundation and reference for its sustainable use. [Methods] Use visiting survey and quadrat survey methods to investigate it's wild and cultivation resources respectively. [Results] A comparison of the third Chinese medicine in resources survey that distribution areas are all reduced significantly in the other provinces except in Jiangxi Province, which has increased by 15.5% . From the current resources situation, 876.33 hm2 are in the original state, accounting for 31. 3% of the total; 405.00 hm2 are in the mild excavation state, accounting for 14.4% of the total; 625. 33 hm2 are in the over excavation state accounting for 22. 3% of the total; 895. 64 hm2 are in the surviving state, accounting for 32.0% of the total. [ Conclusion] The Vitex trifolia L. Var. Simplicifolia Cham, in China are reducing, the understanding of the protection of it' s resources is not enough, we need to strengthen the protection of it' s resources



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