首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >城镇风貌与形象的重塑——以什邡市洛水镇灾后重建为例




Reconstruction of Luoshui Town after the Wenchuan Earthquake was taken for an example, geological location, cultural context and original images of the town were analyzed on the basis of historic records and full investigation, functional orientations, cultural elements and landscape elements were summarized. It was proposed that reconstruction of its landscapes and images should pay more attention to integration of natural environment and town, function and form, as well as inheritance and promotion of local cultures, stress "human-centered" designs and planning techniques of "integrating into natural landscapes, shaping the soul of culture". On this basis, planning schemes were given, design focuses, overall structure, planar architectural layout, style selection, landscape design, green space system planning were analyzed, moreover, how to deal with the relationship between city and people, city and environment, city and culture was discussed in order to find a way to the orderly and sustainable development of city.%以洛水镇灾后重建为例,分析了洛水镇的区位现状,并在查看历史资料和深度调研的基础上分析了洛水镇的文脉与形象气质,从而总结了洛水镇的功能定位、文化要素、景观要素.指出洛水镇城市风貌与形象的塑造应注重自然环境与城市相结合、功能与形态相结合、继承和发扬地方文化、强调“以人为本”,并突出强调“与山水相融,塑文化之魂”的规划布置手法.在此基础上提出了规划方案,分析了设计要点、总体结构、建筑平面布局及风貌选择、景观风貌设计、绿地系统规划,探讨了在塑造城镇风貌时如何处理好城市与人、城市与环境、城市与文化之间的关系,以期实现城市的有序与可持续发展.



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