首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >县域经济视角下南方民族地区农村青年就业模式研究——以广西恭城瑶族自治县为例




The employment psychology of the rural youth in both ecological agricultural county and the rural ecological agricultural one are compared and analyzed through questionnaire survey. It is the development of county economy that affects the rural youth employment mode. By taking Gongcheng Yao nationality autonomous county of Guangxi as an example, the successful multicultural integration employment mode and the interaction mechanism between the rural youth employment and the county economy development are expounded. Thus, a new thought could be put forward to promote the development of county economy healthily, the rural young employment, and the economic interaction development between urban and rural areas.%通过问卷调查,对生态农业县和非生态农业县农村青年的就业心理进行了比较分析,指出县域经济发展是影响农村青年就业模式的主要因素.并以广西恭城瑶族自治县为例,阐述了南方民族地区生态农业县农村青年多元一体化就业的成功模式及县域经济发展与农村青年就业的互动机制.进而提出了依托地方资源,推动县域经济健康发展,促进农村青年就业与城乡经济互动发展的思路.



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