首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >单纯与震撼——极简主义园林艺术解析




Minimal art is a style of art reduced to the fundamental features of things born in 1960s,exerting profound influence on garden art as a kind of conclusion and development of modernism. By further analyzing the formation and development of minimal garden, factors of minimal garden are concluded as the following 6 aspects: application of traditional elements, innovative introduction of natural environment elements , unique application of traditional design elements, application of concise geometric features , application of new garden elements, demonstration of the four-dimensional element-time. 5 characteristics of minimal garden are proposed as:A. Concise geometric figures; B. innovative application of classical nature; C. Application of rich materials; D. Overlaid application of a series of elements; E. Expressing landscape environment objectively. Research on minimalism will help to understand garden types of different characteristics, and provide practical references for the modern garden design.%极简主义艺术产生于20世纪60年代,是一种回归原始结构形式的艺术,作为现代主义的总结和发展对园林艺术产生了深远的影响.笔者深入分析了极简主义园林的形成与发展过程,将极简主义园林要素归纳为对传统要素的借鉴、对自然环境要素的创新引入、对传统设计要素的独特运用、对简洁几何形体的运用、对新造园要素的介入以及对四维时间空问的体现6个方面,指出极简主义园林的5点特色,分别是①简洁的几何体构图;②对古典主义实质的借鉴与创新;③运用了丰富的材料;④使用了系列化的要素堆空手段;⑤客观性地表达景观环境.通过对极简主义的研究将有助于了解不同特色的园林形式,从极简主义这一园林流派中找到对当今园林设计的可借鉴和参考之处,井运用到设计中.



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