首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >2个早稻品种最佳氮肥施用量研究




[ Objective ] The objective of the research was to study the effect of the best quantity of nitrogen fertilizer on Jianghan Plain. [ Method] With Liangyou 168 and Hualiangy ou 103 as tested materia, the best quantity of nitrogen fertilizers was screened out from 225, 150 and 75 kg/hm2. [ Result] Growth period had not significant difference between tested cultivars, but the quantity of nitrogen fertilizers was very significant on the growth period. With the reduction of quantity of nitrogen fertilizers the whole growth period of rice was prolonged tendency. The quantity of nitrogen fertilizers was significant on the yield of rice. With the reduction of quantity of nitrogen fertilizers the yield of rice had a decreasing tendency. The quantity of nitrogen fertilizers was significant on the economic coefficient of rice. When the quantity of nitrogen fertilizers was the level of B1, the economic coefficient of rice was the highest. [ Conclusion ] The study will provide ralated basis for rice production.%[目的]探讨2个早稻品种在江汉平原的最佳氮肥施用量.[方法]对两优9168和华两优103进行225、150和75 kg/hm2 3个不同氮肥施用量试验,筛选2个早稻品种的最佳氮肥施用量.[结果]供试品种间生育期差异未达显等水平,氮肥施用量对生育期影响极显著,随着氮肥施用量的减少,水稻全生育期有延长趋势;氮肥施用量对产量影响显著,随着氮肥施肥量的减少,产量呈递减趋势;氮肥施用量对经济系数影响显著.且均在150 kg/hm2 水平下经济系数最大.[结论]该研究为水稻生产提供了参考依据.



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