首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >风选技术在建筑废弃物资源化中的应用




随着城市化进程的加快,城乡建设中大量建筑废弃物的产生、堆放和填埋,造成了城乡结合地区大量农林用地被侵占,严重污染土壤、大气、水体,破坏了区域农林生态环境,这势必促使我国走上建筑废弃物资源化的道路.目前,我国建筑废弃物资源化利用率不到5%,主要制约因素是再生骨料中杂质分选不净,再生产品品质低劣.介绍了建筑废弃物的组成及危害、结合水平与垂直流场的风选特征,建立任意倾斜角度的风选流场模型,应用计算机模拟技术得到建筑废弃物再生骨料的最佳风选参数:风速为15~30 m/s、风向为30°~60°.将风选应用到建筑废弃物资源化分选环节中,为解决废弃物再生骨料分选难题提供参考依据,对提高建筑废弃物利用率,缓解土地资源损耗与农林生态破坏具有重大意义.%Based on the fog data of 19 observation stations during 1974 -2010 in Baoding, the spatial and temporal characteristics of fog in Baoding area were analyzed. Results showed that fog days in Baoding are of obvious seasonal and inter-monthly variation, which are more in autumn and winter while less in spring and summer, the most in December while the least in May and June. The fog days of Baoding are more in east plain area and less in west mountainous area. According to the EOF analysis of the fog data in 19 stations, the accumulative variance contribution rate of the first three eigenvectors account for 78.6% of the total. The first eigenvector represents the general distribution of fog. Around Auxin and Wangdu in east plain area, the first and the second eigenvectors have high values, indicating that there are many fog days in most of years in this region.



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