首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >永川城区主要绿化植物叶片含硫量及相对吸硫量研究




采用比容消解法和定容、分光光度计,测定了永川3个不同污染级别区域的18种植物叶片含硫量,并计算相应的相对吸硫量,用以研究植物净化SO2的能力.结果表明,在相同污染区域,不同植物种类叶片含硫量和相对吸硫量不同,其中,桂花、桅子、冬青、刺桐等植物含硫量和相对吸硫量大;植物在重污染区的含硫量和吸硫量高于中等污染区;植物叶片的含硫量和相对吸硫量存在一定的相关性,植物叶片的含硫量越高,植物相对吸硫量越大.该研究为城市园林绿地景观植物选择提供了技术支持.%The sulphur content and sulfur absorption ability of 18 plant species in three polluted zones of central downtown in Yongchuan werernmeasured using turbidimetiy,constant volume and spectrophotometer.in order to analyze the ability of plant species for SO;. The results showedrnthat leaf blades of different species had different sulphur content and sulfur absorption ability in same area,and the leaves of Osmanthus Jragrans,rnGardenia jasminoide, Ilex purpurea Hassk and Erythrina contained high leaf sulfur content and had strong sulfur-accumulating ability markedlyrnhigher than other species; the leaf blades in heavily polluted area had higher sulphur content and stonger sulfur absorption ability than leaf bladesrnin lightly polluted area; the one which had higher sulphur content had stonger sulfur-accumulating ability. The study provies technical support forrnthe selecting of plants for urban landscape.



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