首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >蔬菜种植元数据模型信息描述研究




[Objective] To study the information description of vegetable planting metadata model. [Method] On the basis of analyzing data involved in every aspect of vegetable planting, this paper put forward description schemes of vegetable planting metadata and constructed vegetable planting metadata model by the means of XML/XML schema. [ Result ] Metadata model of vegetable planting was built, and information description of vegetable planting metadata model was realized by the using of XML Schema. The whole metadata model consists of 7 first - class classifications , including more than 800 information description points which could completely record vegetable planting - related information. [ Conclusion ] Standards of data collection, management and sharing were provided for the agriculture applications in industries like GAP management of vegetable planting, facility vegetable, food quality traceability,etc.%[目的]对蔬菜种植元数据模型信息描述进行研究.[方法]针对蔬菜种植过程中品种资源、农田环境、病虫害防治和田间管理等数据在采集、管理和分析时出现的数据标准不一致、数据格式多样、数据共享效率低等问题,在分析蔬菜种植各环节需涉及的数据基础上,以XML/XML Schema为技术手段,提出蔬菜种植元数据描述方案,构建蔬菜种植元数据模型.[结果]建立了蔬菜种植元数据模型,利用XML Schema技术实现了对蔬菜种植元数据模型的信息描述.整个元数据模型拥有7个一级数据分类,包含800多个信息描述点,能够完整记录与蔬菜种植相关的品种资源、种植环境、田间管理和病虫害防治等信息.[结论]为蔬菜GAP管理、设施蔬菜、食品安全追溯等行业应用提供数据采集、管理和共享的标准规范.



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