首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽农业科学》 >2015年灵璧县气候条件分析及其对农作物生长的影响




Objective] To analyze the climate change characters and main meteorological disasters of Lingbi County in 2015, and its impacts on crop growth.[ Method] The average temperature, precipitation and meteorological elements from January to December 2015 were compared with those in other years in Lingbi County.Curve chart and data comparison were adopted for statistical analysis.[Result] The annual average tem-perature in Lingbi County in 2015 was slightly high, while the precipitation and sunshine duration were relatively less.Annual extreme maximum temperature was 38.2 ℃,≥35 ℃high temperature days was 14 d;the annual extreme minimum temperature was -9.3 ℃;the annual frost-free period was 232 d, which was 25 d more than the average days of precious years.The main meteorological disasters were thunder wind, con-tinuous rain, drought, haze and so on, which were frequently occurred and had prominent adverse effects on the agricultural production and hu-man life in Lingbi County.[ Conclusion] Climate of Lingbi County in 2015 belonged to abnormal year;and the climate condition had more harm than good.%[目的]分析灵璧2015年的气候变化特征、主要气象灾害及其对农作物生长的影响。[方法]选取灵璧2015年1~12月平均气温、降水、日照气象要素值与常年对比分析,采用曲线图、数据对比等方法进行统计分析。[结果]2015年灵璧县年平均气温偏高,降水量偏少,日照时数较常年偏少;年极端最高气温为38.2℃,≥35℃的高温日数为14 d;年极端最低气温为-9.3℃;全年无霜期为232 d,较历年平均偏多25 d。年内雷雨大风、连阴雨、干旱、雾霾等气象灾害频繁,对当地农业生产和人们生活均产生较为突出的不利影响。[结论]2015年灵璧县气候属异常年份,气候条件弊大于利。



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