首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >基于风险社会理论视角的农业风险现代性反思




From the theoretical perspective of risk society, this article elaborated the modernity of agricultural risk in China, including the boundary between natural risk and man-made risk is more and more ambiguous, man-made risk becomes the main source of agricultural risk. The subject who made the risk and the risk-making process is confidential and the impact of the risk is uncertain and takes long time so that modern agricultural risk involves interest groups' premeditated conceal and "organized irresponsible".In consequence, the mobility of the ag-ricultural risk makes the most vulnerable people to bear the adverse consequence, however in the end, the adverse consequence will diffuse to the whole society and nobody can escape.In the end, this article argued that the modernity of the agricultural risk will push the upgrade and transformation of the agricultural production structure and make people to query the agricultural development mode and the whole human devel-opment mode.To reduce and avoid agriculture risk need the whole society and human-being to make joint effort.%基于风险社会的理论视角,分析了农业风险的一些现代性特征,包括在当代中国农业风险中自然风险和人为风险的界限越来越模糊,"人造风险"成为农业风险的主要来源;由于风险制造主体和过程的隐秘性、风险影响的未知性和长期性,因此现代农业风险包含着利益集团有预谋的隐瞒与"有组织的不负责任".农业风险现代性的后果是风险的流动让最弱势的群体成为风险后果的承担者,但最后风险的影响将扩散向整个社会,无人能幸免.最后,认为农业风险的现代性将倒逼我国农业产业结构升级与转型,迫使人们对农业的发展模式乃至整个人类的发展模式进行质疑和反思,而消减和规避农业风险则需要全社会、全球的协同努力.



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