首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >不同比例生物炭替代泥炭栽培基质对西瓜幼苗生长的影响




[ Objective] To find the best substitution ratio of peat in substrate formula with biochar.[ Method] Biochar, peat, coconut chaff, vermiculite and perlite were used as experimental substrate materials to study the effect of different proportion of biochar and peat on physical and chemical properties of substrate and growth of watermelon seedlings.[ Result] With the increasing proportion of biochar, bulk density and water-holding porosity of substrate decreased while pH and total porosity increased.The indicators all reached the requirement of ideal sub-strate.There was no significant difference in germination rate of different treatments, but the plant height, stem diameter, aboveground fresh weight, healthy seedling index and root activity of watermelon seedlings firstly increased, and then decreased.Index of watermelon seedling of T2 treatment (biochar:peat=2:3) was better than other treatments.[Conclusion] Biochar could be recommended as a replacing material of peat which could coordinate substrate water and nutrient condition and promote seedling growth.%[目的]研究得到替代泥炭的最佳生物炭育苗基质配比.[方法]以生物炭、泥炭、椰糠、蛭石和珍珠岩为基质,按照生物炭和泥炭的不同配比,研究基质理化性质差异及其对西瓜幼苗生长的影响.[结果]随着基质中生物炭比例的增加,基质容重和持水孔隙降低,pH、总孔隙度增大,且其值均在育苗基质适宜范围之内;各处理间西瓜幼苗出苗率无显著差异,株高、茎粗、地上部鲜重、壮苗指数和根系活力均呈先增大后减小的趋势,西瓜幼苗各生长指标以T2处理(生物炭:泥炭=2:3)为最佳,高于纯泥炭基质的CK.[结论]可用一定比例生物炭替代泥炭,在对基质水分和养分条件起到一定的协调作用的同时促进幼苗生长.



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