首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >农村集体经营性建设用地入市流转存在的问题及对策——以陇西县为例




利用文献资料法、实证研究法,对甘肃省陇西县农村集体经营性建设用地入市试点进行实证研究,指出法律不完备成为农村经营性建设用地入市流转的制约因素,收入分歧已成为农村集体经营性建设用地入市试点的难点,主体不明、产权模糊、缺乏统一流转平台、不符合规划用途管制等因素严重制约着农村经营性建设用地入市流转.为全面推进农村集体经营性建设用地合法有序流转,必须修改完善《土地管理办法》等相关法律,出台《农村集体经营性建设用地入市流转管理办法》,建立科学的流转利益分配机制,加强规划管控,完善流转机制,加快推进不动产统一登记.%Using documentation and empirical approach,the empirical research of rural collective management of construction land transfer in Longxi County of Gansu Province was carried out.Existing problems of it were as follows:the legal incompleteness became a restrictive factor in the circulation of rural construction land.The income disagreement became the difficulty of entrying market of the rural collective management construction land,subject unclear,the property right fuzzy,lack of a unified transfer platform,unconsistent with the planning and other factors seriously restricted the entering market of rural collective management construction land.In order to comprehensively promote the legal and orderly distribution of rural collective construction land,we must amend and improve The Land Management Approach and other relevant laws,promulgate The Rural Collective Management of Construction Land Market Management Approach,establish scientific benefits distribution mechanism of land circulation,strength the planning and control,improve the circulation mechanism,accelerate promoting the real estate registration.



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