首页> 中文期刊>安徽农业科学 >梅州烟区烤烟新品种(系)的筛选




[Objective] To sereen the suitable new varieties of flue-cured tobacco for the ecological conditions of Meizhou Tobacco Area. [Method] Local standard cultivation mode was adopted.We detected the agronomic characters, disease resistance, chemical component and economic characters of 8 varieties of flue-cured tobacco.And their difference analysis was carried out.[Result] HY01and HY02 had higher yield, output value and proportion of middle and upper tobacco than the control ( Yunyan 87 ) .HY02 had the optimal disease resistance. HY01 and HY02 showed the optimal chemical component equilibrium and industrial smoking results.[ Conclusion] Among the introduced varieties, HY01 and HY02 were suitable to be planted under the ecological environmental condition of Meizhou Wuhua Production Area.%[目的]筛选在梅州烟区适宜种植的烤烟新品种(系).[方法]采用当地栽培方式,测定8个不同烤烟品种的农艺性状、抗病性、化学成分、经济性状,进行差异性分析.[结果]HY01与HY02的产量、产值、中上等烟比例高于对照云烟87.HY02抗病性在引进品种中最好.HY01、HY02的化学成分平衡性与工业评吸最好.[结论]在引进的烤烟品种中,HY01和HY02适宜在梅州五华产区生态环境条件下种植.



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