首页> 中文期刊>安徽行政学院学报 >当今印度洋的新形势及对中国印度洋战略的思考




21世纪的前十年,印度洋向世界展示出它不仅保有着历史上所具有的资源和航运的巨大价值,还成为了全球新的经济重心.大国对其政策的转向和调整也预示着,从新世纪第二个十年开始,印度洋地区呈现的将是激烈而又多样的战略博弈与对抗.印度洋地区处在"无体系"、"不太平"、"调整期"这一历史过渡阶段的特征,该地区主导力量国美国和印度对中国的敌视与遏制以及印度洋作为中国"一带一路"新国际经济战略的重要支点,都要求中国应具有更积极主动的印度洋战略.永久进驻合法权的取得、局部优势地位的建立和文化软实力影响的构筑是当今中国打造印度洋战略所急需解决的关键问题和重中之重的中心环节.%In the first decade of the 21st century,the Indian Ocean showed the world that it had great value of resources and shipping and became the world's new economic center. The policy adjustment from the powers indicates that the Indian Ocean region will present fierce and diverse strategic game and confrontation in the second decade of the new century. The Indian Ocean is in a historical transition stage of"no system","unstable"and"adjustment". The dominant powers in the region,the United States and India hold hostility and containment to China and the Indian Ocean is an important fulcrum of China's new international economic strategy,"One Belt and One Road". All these require China's more active strategy in the Indian Ocean. The acquisition of legal right of permanent station,the establishment of local dominant position and the influence of cultural soft power are the key problems and the center of the most important link in building China's Indian Ocean strategy.



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