首页> 中文期刊>农学学报 >从零基础到农机大国的发展之路──中国农机工业百年发展历程回顾




农机工业是机械工业的重要组成部分,是现代农业发展的物质基础.本文回顾了中国农机工业从无到有、由弱变强的百年发展历程,着重对新中国成立以来,中国农机工业在体系构建、体制转换、市场导向、依法促进等各个发展阶段取得的成就、存在的问题以及农机工业在推进中国农业机械化进程,促进农业现代化发展中发挥的重要作用进行了论述,对中国农机工业未来发展的方向和前景进行了展望.%Agricultural machinery industry is an important part of the machinery industry, and also is the material basis for the development of modern agriculture. This paper reviews a century of development history of China's agricultural machinery industry from scratch, from weak to strong, focusing on the achievements made by China's agricultural machinery industry in various stages of development such as system construction, system transformation, market orientation and promotion according to law since the founding of New China. The existing problems and the important role played by agricultural machinery industry in promoting the process of agricultural mechanization in China are discussed. Finally, the paper forecasts the future direction and prospects of China's agricultural machinery industry.



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