首页> 中文期刊> 《农机化研究》 >气吸式油莎豆精量铺膜播种机的研制




The Cyperus beans , precision seeding machinery is seldom applied the status quo in order to achieve a large area of precision sowing Cyperus bean crop and improve the quality of the Cyperus bean planting and conservation of agri -cultural workers and peasants , the lower economic investment , this paper designed a gassuction the Cyperus beans pre-cise laying seeder .Type suction can Cyperus bean seeds according to the setting of the spacing in the rows per hole single grain sowing to the ground,the device can be achieved ditching ,planting,cover soil,laying a one-time complete, suitable for large jobs.Simple structure, easy to adjust.The field trials:the rational design of the whole structure ,to achieve a pre-cision sowing , in line with the requirements of farmers planting .%  针对目前国内油莎豆精量播种机械应用很少的现状,为了实现大面积精量播种油莎豆作物、提高油莎豆播种质量、节省农工农时、降低经济投入,设计了一种气吸式油莎豆精量铺膜播种机。采用气吸式排种器可以实现将油莎豆种子按照设定的株距每穴单粒精播,并一次性完成开沟、播种、覆土和铺膜作业,适用于大面积播种,具有结构简单和调整方便的特点。田间试验证明,整机结构设计合理,实现了精量播种,并且符合农艺的种植要求。



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