首页> 中文期刊> 《农机化研究》 >茶园微耕机的设计分析




Tea garden weeding, fertilizing, scarification is an important part of the process of tea production,the tradi-tional way of weeding,tillage,fertilization are manual, inefficient operations, high-intensity labor.In order to improve the efficiency of weed ripper , design and manufacture of a tea garden tillers, rotary tillers for performance test results show that:the Tiller plowing width 443mm, tillage depth of 153mm, can effectively prevent rotary knife wrapped grass, Cultivators effect, meet the agronomic requirements of tea garden, finely topsoil after farming, soil and fertilizer evenly blended to meet the tea garden management requirements, can also be used for other vegetable, rice and other upland weed ripper operations.%茶园的除草、施肥、松土是茶叶生产过程的重要环节,而传统的工作方式都是人工操作,作业效率低、劳动强度大。为了提高茶园的除草、松土效率,设计制造一种茶园微耕机,并对微耕机进行性能试验。试验结果表明:该微耕机耕作幅宽443mm、耕作深度153mm,旋耕刀能够有效防缠草,松土效果好,满足了茶园农艺要求;耕后表土细碎,土肥掺和均匀,满足了茶园管理要求。同时,该机可用于其它菜地、稻田旱地等除草松土作业。



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