首页> 中文期刊>美育学刊 >多层结构与多重结构——析坎切利《凭风悲悼》和声与作品结构特征




Mourned by the Wind, a piece of music for Kanchli in 1988. A simple but accurate musical language voila and orchestra, was composed by Georgian composer Giya and distinguishing features of a harmonic structure of this work in- dicate that the composer values the core theme of musical thought running through the whole work. In this work, the com- poser not only dexterously handles the music form but also clearly expresses the concept of music by meticulously arranging the musical structure and emphasizing diversity. As Kanchli's first program symphonic composition, its composing style and aesthetic tastes lay a foundation for his subsequent works.%《凭风悲悼》系格鲁吉亚作曲家基雅·坎切利(Giya Kanchli)为悼念其挚友而作的中提琴与乐队作品。作品中精简的音乐语言和极富特色的和声结构体现出作曲家对核心主题乐思在一部作品中整体贯穿的注重,作曲家对音乐结构形式的安排及多样性的讲究则展现了他对音乐形式的有机把握和对音乐观念的清晰表达。作为坎切利的第一部标题交响音乐,该作品所蕴含的创作风格和审美趣味也为其之后的创作奠定了基础。



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