首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林水利》 >松花江水文站径流变化趋势分析




松花江 (三岔河口以上) 是吉林省境内最大的一条河流. 随着时间的推移, 流域气候环境、 下垫面条件发生了很大变化, 径流特征也有所改变. 以松花江干流上松花江水文站1956―2010年的实测径流序列为基础数据, 根据水量平衡法将其还原至天然状态. 在三性审查的基础上, 采用年内分配不均匀系数、 年内分配完全调节系数、 集中度和集中期、 变化幅度等指标分析松花江水文站径流年内分配变化规律; 采用累积滤波器法和Kendall秩次相关法分析松花江水文站年径流的变化趋势. 结果表明: 松花江水文站径流年内变化较大, 年内分配不均匀; 年径流呈减小趋势, 但减小趋势并不显著.%The Songhua River (Sancha River above) is the largest river in Jilin Province.Over time,the river basin climate,land surface conditions changed a lot,runoff characteristics have changed.Found runoff series in 2010 on the basis of data,according to the water balance method to restore it to its natural state-hydrological station on the Songhua River to the Songhua River in 1956.On the basis of the three review on the use of un-even distribution coefficients of the year ,the allocation year fully adjustable coefficient ,concentration and cen-tralization of the change rate and other indicators Analysis allocation Songhua River Hydrological Station Runoff variation;cumulative filter method and Kendall rank correlation analysis of trends times Songhua River Station in runoff.The results showed that:change the Songhua River hydrological station runoff years greater maldistribution year;annual runoff decreasing trend,but the trend was not significantly reduced.



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