


Zhao Daojian was a Taoist priest of Quanzhen sect in Jin and Yuan period, he was Quanzhen sect hierarch Qiu Chuji's favorite disciple during his lifetime, Once helped Qiu Chuji manage to Taoism affairs nearly thirty years. In 1221, Zhao Daojian served Qiu Chuji have an audience with Genghis khan to the Western Regions, and died on the way. He was worshiped by Quanzhen sect and canonized by Yuan government after his death.His life experiences constantly be amplified and transformation.On this basis, he was molded as the first generation of scholar by Longmen faction as a branch of Quanzhen sect formed after the Yuan dynasty,and was solemn respect and worship.Therefore,for textual research of his lifehas important reference value on the study of the early develop-ment of Quanzhen sect and its subsequent rheology.%赵道坚是金元之际的全真教道士,生前是全真教掌教丘处机最为器重的弟子,曾协助丘处机处理教务近三十年。1221年,赵道坚侍丘处机西行觐见成吉思汗,于途中病逝。其逝世后受到全真教大力尊崇和元朝廷册封,其生平经历被不断放大、改造,以此为基础,被元代以后形成的全真教龙门派改造为第一代大律师,备受推崇。其生平事迹的考订,对于研究全真教早期的发展及其后来的流变具有重要的参考价值。



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