首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 >基于台湾模式的知识产权司法体制改革研究--以河北省为视角




The progress of the intellectual property system is closely related to social development. Involv⁃ing many aspects such as legal, technical, trade, intellectual property litigation is professional and the judicial practice is controversial. Currently, a new round of reform of judicial system is brewing in our country and the first batch of Intellectual Property Courts are being in construction. Hebei, as a big intellectual property prov⁃ince, is also actively exploring to find a breakthrough. In recent years, Taiwan has made some reforms and inno⁃vations on judicial system of intellectual property in the aspects of exclusive jurisdiction,secrecy system and ju⁃dicial proceedings, which offers us a new train of thought and reference.%知识产权制度的进步与社会发展息息相关,涉及法律、技术、贸易等多方面问题,知识产权诉讼专业性突出,司法实践中争议颇多。当前我国知识产权司法制度正在酝酿新一轮改革,首批知识产权法院已经在建设过程中,河北省作为知识产权大省也在积极探索以寻求突破。海峡两岸具有相同的法律传统和文化背景,近年来台湾地区知识产权司法制度在知识产权专属管辖、保密令制度、诉讼程序等方面都做了一系列的改革与创新,为我们提供了新的思路,可供我们学习和借鉴。



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