首页> 中文期刊>吉林中医药 >中医药期刊发展历程探析




The development of Chinese medicine periodicals has gone through four stages, namely initial exploration period, tortuous period, comprehensive mature period and stable development period. All stages of the development of Chinese medicine periodicals have their unique development characteristics in terms of periodical category, publication period, co-authored situation and content. On the whole, the category of periodicals of traditional Chinese medicine is from comprehensive to professional differentiation. The author has developed from independent work to multi institutional co-authored work. The contents of the publication are from rich and complex to academic and scientific. The publication period is gradually shortened and the total volume of periodicals is steadily increasing. The periodical of Chinese medicine is the main carrier of the academic research and communication of traditional Chinese medicine.The analysis of the history and characteristics of the development of Chinese medicine periodicals can objectively reflect the characteristics of academic exchange in modern Chinese medicine from the perspective of history, and then reveal some characteristics and laws of the development of traditional Chinese medicine.%中医药期刊的发展经历了4个阶段,分别为初创探索期、曲折前进期、全面成熟期和平稳发展期.中医药期刊发展的各个阶段,期刊类别、刊期、合著情况和刊载内容均有其独特的发展特征.总体来讲,中医药期刊的类别由综合性为主向专业细分化发展,著者由独著为主向多机构合著发展,刊载内容由丰富庞杂向关注学术性和科学化发展,刊期逐渐缩短、期刊总体载文量稳步提升.中医药期刊是中医药学术研究与交流的主要载体,对中医药期刊发展历程和特征进行分析,能够从史学角度客观地反映近现代中医药学术交流特点,进而揭示中医药事业发展的一些特征和规律.



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