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Content-centric XML: Where We've Been, Where We're Going in 2003


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As EContent readers, you likely develop, manage or deliver content. In doing so, increasingly you encounter the three-letter acronym XML, short for "eXtensible Markup Language." This is true whether your content is only text, graphics, streaming media, voice, or any combination thereof. Read resumes today and you're likely to see claims of XML skills, but when you press candidates to learn what they mean, most inadvertently cite "data-centric" XML experience―the use of XML to interchange information between systems, often for ecommerce or Web applications. One way to determine if candidates are familiar with XML for content is to ask how they viewed or developed XML models. If you get a blank stare or a response like "Notepad," the candidate is probably familiar only with data-centric XML, if that. The use of data-centric XML has in fact taken the software world by storm but is only one of the originally intended uses of XML. Content-centric XML―or simply "XML" in the rest of this column―is likely to be of more interest to you, and such XML requires conformance to a document model expressed as a document type definition (DTD) or, increasingly, as an XML schema. Schemas can express and enforce far richer models, like "date," which DTDs express only as text.
机译:作为EContent读者,您可能会开发,管理或交付内容。这样做时,您会越来越多地遇到三个字母的缩写XML,它是“可扩展标记语言”的缩写。无论您的内容是文本,图形,流媒体,语音还是它们的任何组合,这都是事实。阅读简历,您可能会看到XML技能的声称,但是当您迫使求职者了解它们的含义时,大多数人无意中援引了“以数据为中心”的XML经验-使用XML在系统之间交换信息,通常用于电子商务或Web应用程序。确定候选人是否熟悉内容XML的一种方法是询问候选人如何查看或开发XML模型。如果您茫然地凝视或收到诸如“记事本”之类的响应,则该候选人可能只熟悉以数据为中心的XML。实际上,以数据为中心的XML的使用已经席卷了软件世界,但这只是XML最初打算的用途之一。以内容为中心的XML(或本专栏其余部分中的“ XML”)可能会让您更感兴趣,而这种XML需要符合表示为文档类型定义(DTD)或越来越多的文档模型。 XML模式。模式可以表达和执行更丰富的模型,例如“日期”,而DTD仅将其表达为文本。



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