首页> 中文期刊> 《吉林中医药》 >从'水不足、火不旺'浅析'龙雷之火'——基于阴阳、五行和藏象理论




Long Lei fire is an important pathological concept in TCM, and its theory has a great significance. This paper discusses the pathogenesis of longlei fire by combining the previous related theories and the basic theories such as yin and yang, five elements,visceral picture. Its connotation can be summarized as "renal water is deficient, and renal fire is not flourishing", which can be explained renal water fails to nourish wood, which results in the disease of flaming-up of asthenic fire, and the yin-cold injuries the life-gate fire, which results in the disease of yang at outside. The reason is that the Xiang fire of liver and kidney can not be harmonious and unified in the body. The corresponding diseases can be treated by nourishing renal water or warming the life-gate fire to eliminate the yin-cold, at the same time, taking into account the theory of interdependence between yin and yang in clinical practice. The theory of the fire theory of Long Lei has enriched the contents of the theory of traditional medicine, which can guide the clinical practice better.%龙雷之火是祖国医学中重要的病理概念,其理论的提出有重要意义.通过结合前人的相关阐述及中医的阴阳、五行和藏象等基础理论来探讨龙雷之火发病机制,探析龙雷之火产生的本质内容.经梳理发现其内涵可概括为"水不足,火不旺"两个重要方面,即肾水亏损,水不涵木,虚火上炎的病症和阴寒之邪损伤命门之火,格阳于外的病症,两者均系肝肾相火不能在体内与其他脏腑协调统一所致.在相应的病机理论指导下,临床上分别采用大滋肾水及温阳消阴的治疗方法,同时兼顾阴阳互根互用理论的应用."龙雷之火"学说的探讨丰富了传统医学发病理论的内容,能更好的指导临床实践.



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