首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >细节管理在防范静脉治疗护理风险中的作用



Objective To investigate the effects of detail management on preventing risk of the intravenous treatment and nursing. Method 170 cases of out-patient and emergency patients being undergone intravenously were divided randomly into observing group (90 cases) and control group (80 cases). Control group was treated with conventional intravenous treatment, and observing group was gave special detail management that include the identifying and categorizing for existing and potential existing risks during intravenous treatment. Result There are statistically significant differences in multi-factors between two groups such as patients complaints, the degrees of satisfaction, drawbacks and risks occurrence in the intravenous treatment processes (P < 0.05). Conclusion Risk identification and detail management for the patients with intravenous treatment could improve quality of care, reduce nursing defects and complaints in caring process, reduced the incidence of risks and finally get patient satisfaction.%目的 探讨加强细节管理以防范静脉治疗护理风险发生的作用.方法 将170例门急诊静脉治疗患者随机分为对照组80例和观察组90例,对照组按常规实施静脉治疗;观察组实施静脉治疗时对现存和潜在的静脉治疗护理风险进行识别和归纳,并有针对性地进行风险细节管理.结果 两组护理缺陷、投诉情况、患者满意度及静脉治疗期间护理风险发生情况比较,差异均有显著性意义(P<0.05).结论 对静脉治疗患者实施风险识别与细节管理,可起到减少护理缺陷和投诉,降低护理风险发生率,提高患者满意度的作用.



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