首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >家族性甲状腺功能亢进14家系34例的健康指导



目的 提高家族性甲状腺功能亢进的健康指导效果.方法 对1998年4月-2006年3月我院门诊收治的家族性甲亢14个家系共计34例患者进行心理辅导、饮食指导以及健康教育等,并对结果进行了回顾性分析.结果 在药物治疗过程中配合有针对性的心理辅导,有30例患者(占88.2%)能正确对待疾病,积极配合治疗,促进了疾病早日康复.经6个月随访,均没有严重的并发症发生.结论 对家族性甲亢的家庭成员,不论有无临床症状均应进行筛查,以早期发现、早期治疗;同时,应减少诱发因素,加强心理护理.%Objective To improve the effect of familial hyperthyroidism health guideline.Methods Carried out psychological counselling, diet guiding and health education on the familial hyperthyroidism outpatients in our hospital from April 1998 to March 2006; and analyzed the results retrospectively. Results Through psychological counselling, 30 patients (88.2%) could correctly face the disease, and actively cooperate with treatment. After 6-month's following up, found no serious combination syndromes in all patients. Conclusion The familial hyperthyroidism pattients, no matter have clinical symtoms or not, should be screened, so that it can diagnosis the dease early and give it an early treatment.And during the treatment, should reduce inducing factors and strengthen the psychological nursing.



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