首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >30例卵巢脓肿的诊疗经验总结



Objective To study the clinical features of ovarian abscess for treatment timely,prevention of disease to develop, and to improve the quality of women's life. Methods Clinical data of ovarian abscess in 30 cases were analyzed retrospectively. Results Ovarian abscess was usually found in married women between the ages of 28 and 39. The symptom of lower abdominal pain occurred firstly in those cases. The rate of misdiagnosis as torsion of ovarian tumor was 93.33% in this study. The main difference in ovarian abscess was fibrinogen increasing significantly.Conclusion Fibrinogen is an important factor for differential diagnosis in ovarian abscess.%目的 系统回顾卵巢脓肿起病时的症状、体征及血生化、物理检查等特点,以便及早诊治,预防疾病的进一步发展,提高女性的生活质量.方法 对卵巢脓肿的住院病人进行系统回顾,资料总结.结果 发病年龄在28~39岁之间,均为已婚妇女,起病症状以下腹痛为主,诊断为卵巢瘤蒂扭转占93.33%.其主要区别在于卵巢脓肿患者血纤维蛋白原升高明显.结论 卵巢脓肿患者血纤维蛋白原升高明显,具有重要的鉴别诊断意义.



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