首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >心理护理对改善四肢骨折患者不良情绪及生活质量的效果评价



Objective To investigate the effect of mental nursing in improvement of bad mood and quality of life in patients with fractures of the limbs.Methods One hundred and twenty patients with limb fractures were randomly divided into study group and control group,60 for each group.The control group only received conventional orthopedic care,while the study group received conventional orthopedics care plus mental nursing for 3 to 5 days after surgery.The major measures included assessment of mental state,creation of comfortable environment,and personal psychological counseling.The scores on self-rating anxiety scale(SAS),self-rating depression scale(SDS)and 36-item short-form(SF-36)were compared between the two groups,so were the survey results of patient satisfaction with nursing service.Results The scores on SAS and SDS were decreased more obviously in the study group than in the control group after treatment,but the score on SF-36 was higher in the study group.The decree of satisfaction with nursing service in the study group(95.%)was significantly higher than that in the control group(78.33.%).Conclusions Mental nursing for patients with fractures of the limbs can improve bad mood and quality of life.%目的 探讨心理护理对改善四肢骨折患者不良情绪状态及生活质量的效果.方法 随机将120例四肢骨折患者分为观察组和对照组,各60例.对照组患者的护理均采取常规骨科手术护理,不实施任何心理护理;观察组在常规骨科手术护理的基础上术后连续3~5d进行有针对性的心理沟通,其主要措施包括评估患者心理状态、创造舒适环境、针对性心理辅导等.比较两组患者的焦虑(SAS)、抑郁(SDS)、SF-36评分情况及出院前的护理服务满意度调查结果.结果 观察组经治疗后SAS、SDS评分均有明显降低,且较对照组差异具有显著性,观察组SF-36评分明显高于对照组.观察组患者护理服务满意度为95%,显著高于对照组的78.33%.结论 对四肢骨折患者实施心理护理,可以有效改善患者的不良情绪状态及生活质量.



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