首页> 中文期刊>国际医药卫生导报 >银杏叶制剂对COPD患者发作期气道平滑肌细胞蛋白激酶Ca的影响



Objective To study the influence of ginkgo biloba preparations on the airway smooth muscle cell protein kinase Ca (PKCa) and the change of blood flow in patients with COPD in onset phase.Methods Single blind,randomized,controlled clinical trial scheme was used to divided 60 patients with COPD into a control group (30 cases) and a treatment group (30 cases).All patients were given anti-infection,inhaling oxygen,reducing phlegm,relieving asthma,etc.treatment;if the patients complicated with heart failure,cardiotonic and diuretic treatments were given.In addition,the treatment group orally took ginkgo leaf dropping pill,3 times a day,5 pills once.Both groups were treated for 14 days.The sputum eosinophils (EOS),the lymphocyte (L) relative counting,the positive expression rate of PKCa,and the change of hemorheological indexes were observed in both groups before and after the treatment.The clinical curative effects were compared between these two groups.Results After 14 days' treatment,the positive expression rate of PKCa and hemorheological indexes were improved in both groups and were better in the treatment group than in the control group,with statistical differences (P<0.05 or P<0.01).Conclusions Ginkgo biloba preparations can significantly reduce the positive expression rate of PKCa in COPD airway smooth muscle cells,inhibit EOS and lymphocyte infiltration in lung tissue,effectively relieve airway smooth muscle spasm,improve ventilation function,decrease blood viscosity,improve microcirculation,strengthen lung capacity,improve lung function,and improve the patients' quality of life.%目的 探讨银杏叶制剂对慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)患者发作期气道平滑肌细胞蛋白激酶Ca(PKCa)及血流变化的影响.方法 采用随机、对照、单盲的临床试验方案将60例符合COPD纳入标准的患者分为对照组(30例)和治疗组(30例),所有患者均给予抗感染、吸氧、化痰和平喘等治疗,合并心衰者予强心、利尿等常规治疗.治疗组在常规治疗基础上加用银杏叶滴丸,1日3次,1次5丸,口服;两组均治疗14 d.观察两组治疗前后痰中嗜酸性粒细胞(EOS)、淋巴细胞(L)相对计数、支气管平滑肌细胞蛋白激酶Ca(PKCa)阳性表达率及血液流变学指标的变化,并比较两组临床疗效.结果 经14d治疗后,两组气道平滑肌细胞蛋白激酶Ca(PKCa)阳性表达率及血液流变学指标均得到明显改善,治疗组变化更显著,且治疗后各项指标均优于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P< 0.05或P<0.01).结论 银杏叶制剂能显著降低COPD气道平滑肌细胞PKCa阳性表达率及抑制EOS和淋巴细胞在肺组织中浸润,有效缓解气道平滑肌痉挛,改善通气功能;同时降低血液粘稠度,改善微循环,增强肺活量,改善肺功能,提高患者生活质量.



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