首页> 中文期刊> 《仪表技术与传感器》 >基于LabVIEW的磁悬浮轴承的静态刚度测量系统




Rotors can be suspended in stators through electromagnetic force in magnetic bearings. The static stiffness is one important technical characteristic of magnetic bearings, so it is a necessary procedure to measure static stiffness for magnetic bearings. A static stiffness measurement system was established up for active magnetic bearings in the open-loop control. This system was based on LabVIEW software development platform, and included X - Y - Z precision motorized stages, six-axis force/torque transducer,laser optical displacement sensor,and high precision ammeter for the most part. An industrial personal computer controlled every measurement cell for automatic measurement, acquisition, and data storage. It has the advantage of high automation.%磁悬浮轴承主要利用电磁力使转子悬浮于定子中,其刚度特性是磁悬浮轴承的重要技术指标,因此磁悬浮轴承的刚度测量是检验磁悬浮轴承性能的必要环节.文中建立了适用于混合控制的磁悬浮轴承在开环控制下的静态刚度测量系统.该系统利用LabVIEW软件开发测量平台,由X-Y -Z电控精密位移台、六自由度力传感器、激光位移传感器及高分辨率电流表等设备组成,并由工控机统一控制各测量单元,实现自动测量、自动采集与数据存储等功能,具有自动化程度高的优点.



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