首页> 中文期刊> 《中医药信息》 >浅析心肌缺血再灌注损伤之证治




In TCM ancient books there is not a disease called "myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury",whose name is originated from western medicine.According to its chnical symptom,it belongs to the ranges of "chest impediment","angina pectoris","palpitation" and so on in TCM.Chest distresses,continuity of chest pain,palpitation and short of breath are the symptoms of such disease.Moreover,cardiodynia,much cold sweat,feeble pulse,cyanotic lips and incapability of lying for leaning and rest are the heavy symptoms of such disease.In general,the syndromes of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury can be attributed to deficiency of Qi and blood,Qi stagnation,blood stasis and coagulated phlegm,deficiency of Yang with hyperactivity of Yin and so on.Etiology and pathogenesis,syndrome differentiation and treatment of such disease are analyzed in this paper.%中医古籍中没有“心肌缺血再灌注损伤”这一病名,在西方医学中,该疾病被称为“myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury”.根据其临床症状(symptom)应属中医“胸痹”“真心痛”“心悸”等范畴.其症见胸闷、胸痛持续不解,或心悸、气短,甚则心痛,冷汗淋漓,脉微欲绝,或见口唇青紫,倚息不得卧.其证型(syndrome)大概可分为气血亏虚、气滞血瘀痰凝、阴盛阳虚等,现将其病因病机、辨证施治作一浅析,以飱同道.



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