首页> 中文期刊> 《信息安全与通信保密》 >美外商投资国家安全审查制度的r改革动向及对我国影响




In order to improve the efficiency of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States's (CFIUS), the United States Congress is currently reviewing the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2017 (FIRRMA), such as expanding the jurisdiction and the scope,Optimizing the review process,expanding security considerations,providing broad authority for CFIUS and the President to take action. FIRRMA also introduces several new key terms, including "country of special concern" and"Critical Technologies", and continues to strengthen the review of state-owned capital,increasing the content of cyber security review substantially. In this regard, China should accelerate the implementation of cyber security review, refine and strengthen the mechanism, and constantly improve the capability of cyber security review.%为提升美国外国投资委员会的效率,美国国会当前正在审议《外国投资风险审查现代化法案》(FIRRMA),主要改革包括扩大审查范围,增加安全考量因素,优化审查流程,扩大总统授权,继续强调对国有资本的审查.议案新增"特别关注国家",重新界定"关键技术"术语,并大幅增加网络安全审查的内容,应对中国的意味非常明显.对此,我国应加快落实网络安全审查工作,细化强化安全审查机制,不断提升安全审查工作能力.



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