首页> 中文期刊>工业水处理 >基于电导率控制的生活污水回用至脱硫系统研究




In the research,the treated domestic sewage of a thermal power plant has been added to the desulfurization process water according to a certain proportion,and then the mixed water reused in desulfurization system.In the pro-cess of reclaimed water reuse,the reclaimed water quality is ensured by way of controlling the conductivity,which is in the direction of the invariability of the absorber slurry chloride ion concentration and gypsum quality.The analytical results according to a two-month experiment and tracing show that using the method of controlling conductivity can make the treated domestic sewage of the thermal power plant be reused successfully for the desulfurization system. Moreover,the research has made an economic analysis on the reuse mode of reclaimed water,discussed the existed problems,and then put forward corresponding suggestions for further research.%研究将处理后的火电厂生活污水,按照一定比例添加到脱硫工艺水中,并将其回用至脱硫系统.在中水回用过程中,以吸收塔浆液氯离子含量和石膏品质不变为导向,采用控制电导率的方式来确保回用水水质.2个月的试验跟踪分析结果表明,采用控制电导率的方法,可以将经处理后的火电厂生活污水成功回用至脱硫系统.同时,对中水回用方式进行了经济性分析,对存在的问题进行了探讨,并对下一步的研究提出了相应的建议.



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