首页> 中文期刊> 《工业安全与环保》 >城市灾害风险等级评估流程的探讨及其实证研究




城市在社会发展的进程中起着主要作用 ,然而 ,城市灾害造成的严重后果已经对当今社会的发展构成了严重的阻碍 ,如何确定城市灾害总体风险等级并提出相应的对策措施亟需探讨.本文在分析城市常见四大类灾害(自然灾害、事故灾害、公共卫生灾害、社会安全灾害)的基础之上 ,进行城市灾害评估流程的介绍 ,包括灾害识别、灾害分析、灾害评价、提出对策措施 ,从而为城市灾害的总体等级的确定奠定初步的理论基础.以青岛市统计局相关资料为依据 ,对青岛市的城市灾害风险等级进行评估 ,确定其风险等级并提出相关建议措施.%City plays a major role in the process of social development ,however ,urban disasters have caused serious con-sequences which pose a serious obstacle to the development of today's society .How to determine the overall risk level of ur-ban disasters and put forward corresponding countermeasures needs to be discussed urgently .This paper is based on the analysis of common urban disasters (natural disasters ,accident disasters ,public health disasters ,social disasters) ,and in-troduces the evaluation process of urban disasters ,including disaster identification ,disaster analysis ,disaster assessment and putting forward countermeasures ,so as to lay a primary theory for determining the overall level of urban disasters .Based on the related data of Qingdao Bureau of Statistics ,the risk level of urban disasters is evaluated so as to determine the risk level and offer some relevant suggestions .



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