首页> 中文期刊>工业安全与环保 >基于生命周期评价方法的武钢钢铁产品环境影响评估




针对研究钢铁行业环境影响的问题,采用生命周期评价方法评估武汉钢铁股份公司(以下简称"武钢")生产过程的资源能源消耗与环境负荷.根据生命周期框架,以"大门"到"大门"作为系统边界,以ISO14040和ISO14041为标准编制钢铁产品生命周期清单,使用IMPACT 2002+影响评价方法,根据ISO14042对清单结果做出影响评价,计算11种中间影响潜值,以不同物质当量值表示,并通过标准化来了解总体影响份额,以此判定钢铁产品对于呼吸道影响最为突出,全球暖化和不可回收能源使用以及人体毒性和水体生态毒性次之.最后根据蒙特-卡罗方法对数据做不确定性分析,了解评价过程的可靠性;同时通过敏感性分析了解造成影响的产品比例.%The energy consumption and environmental load in the production process of Wuhan Iron and Steel Com-pany(WISCO)were evaluated by using life cycle assessment(LCA)method to study the environmental impact of steel industry. According to the life-cycle framework,the system boundary is set to be"gate"to"gate",and the life cycle inventory of steel products is compiled under the guide of ISO14040 and ISO14041,and the IMPACT 2002+ im-pact assessment method is used to evaluate the inventory results according to ISO14042,and calculate eleven kinds of midpoint impact potentials,shown by different equivalents values. The share of the overall impact is understood through normalization. After calculation,it's determined that the respiratory of steel products is the most prominent, and global warming and non-renewable energy use,as well as the human toxicity and water eco-toxicity is fol-lowed. Finally,uncertainty analysis of the data was made according to the Monte Carlo method to understand the reli-ability of the evaluation process and at the same time the sensitivity analysis was made to understand the proportion of impact from products.



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