首页> 中文期刊> 《工业仪表与自动化装置》 >高炉鼓风机组控制系统的设计与优化




The blast furnace blower is the key power equipment of blast furnace smelting production, it provide power cold wind for the blast furnace production, the fuel combustion of oxygen. Safe and reli-able operation of the blast furnace blower group related directly to the continuity of production. Unit con-trol system as the nerve center and the heart of safe and reliable operation of the unit, the advanced con-trol concept, systematic, safety, reliability and availability of the control system in unit protection and technology system continuous production plays a crucial role. Therefore, according to the process require-ments of long period, safe and efficient operation, the control system is constantly optimize and improve is the target of this design.%高炉鼓风机是高炉冶炼生产的关键动力设备,为高炉生产提供动力冷风,即燃料燃烧所需的氧气。高炉鼓风机组的安全可靠运行直接关系着生产的连续性。机组控制系统作为机组安全可靠运行的神经中枢和心脏,其安全性、可靠性及可用性,控制理念的先进性、系统性在机组保护和工艺系统连续生产方面起着十分关键的作用。因此,按照工艺生产长周期、安全和高效运行的要求,对控制系统不断进行优化和改进是该设计追求的目标。



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