首页> 中文期刊> 《工业加热》 >转炉炼钢物料平衡热量平衡通用计算软件开发及应用




Converter steelmaking is a process including series of complicated physical and chemical reactions at high temperature. Mass and heat balance calculation can be used for studying mass and heat budget, selecting suitable process parameters, improving smelting process, reducing energy consumption, increasing technical and economic indexs in convertor steelmaking process. As mass and heat balance calculation in converter steelmaking process includes many projects to calculate, traditional manual calculation method has some disadvantages of low computing efficiency, error prone, more repeated workload. Aiming at the above problems, a general calculation software BLCG was developed for mass and heat balance calculation in the converter steelmaking process, and the software can be widely applied to high education for metallurgical engineering major, online virtual steelmaking competition, metallurgical enterprise production and scientific research.%转炉炼钢过程是包含一系列复杂高温物理化学反应的过程,而通过转炉炼钢物料及热量平衡计算可以研究转炉冶炼工艺过程中的物料及能量收支情况,确定合理的工艺参数,改进炼钢工艺制度,降低能耗,提高炼钢生产技术经济指标。然而由于转炉炼钢物料平衡及热量平衡计算涉及内容较多,传统的人工计算效率低,容易出错、重复性工作量大,针对这一问题,研究开发了转炉炼钢物料平衡及热量平衡通用计算软件BLCG,该软件可广泛应用于冶金工程专业教学、网络虚拟炼钢竞赛、冶金企业生产及科学研究。



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