首页> 中文期刊>产经评论 >我国产业结构升级对全要素生产率的影响研究




当前我国正处于经济转型的关键时期,产业结构升级作为经济转型的重要方向,应从加大要素投入向结构效率提升转变。通过分析产业结构升级影响全要素生产率的路径,总结出生产要素再配置效应、技术溢出效应和分工专业化效应三个机制。并采用静态和动态的面板模型,以三次产业结构升级、工业结构升级和服务业结构升级为主要变量,实证研究产业结构升级与全要素生产率的关系。结果表明,我国三次产业结构和工业结构升级显著地促进了全要素生产率的提升,但生产性服务业发展对提升全要素生产率起反作用。由此,针对性地提出推进第三产业发展,促进工业经济向服务经济转型等相关政策建议。%At present , our country is in the critical period of economic transition .Industrial structure up-grading is an important aspect of economic transformation , which should also change to efficiency improve-ment.In this paper , we analyze the mechanism of the effect of industrial structure upgrading to the total factor productivity , and three mechanisms are summarized .They are the re-allocation effect of production factors , the effect of technology spillover and the effect of specialization .Using the static and dynamic panel model , and with the three industrial structure upgrading , industrial structure upgrading and service industry structure upgrading as the main variables , we do some empirical research on the total factor productivity growth rate . Research shows that China ’s three industrial structure and industrial structure upgrading significantly promote the total factor productivity , the development of productive service industry didn ’t promote the total factor pro-ductivity .In view of the above conclusions , this paper also puts forward some related policy recommendations .



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