首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南林业科技》 >马尾松不同密度中龄林施肥经济收益分析




The economic benefits analysis of Pinus massoniana middle age forest with different density fertilization was tested with 18-year-old forest which was thinned after two consecutive years fertilization in Qingyang Lake State-owned Forest Farm of Hunan Province.The results showed that the different density of P.massoniana after one year fertilization, its economic benefit were negative.After two years fertilization,the economic benefit in forest stand with density of 750 plants/hm2 was negative,but the economic benefits in forest density of 900 plants /hm2 and 1 050 plants /hm2 were posi-tive .After fertilization in different stand density of one years and two years,the average per unit area yield and the vol-ume of wood had different degrees of growth,and it increased with the density increasing.The difference in the annual benefit of wood yield was significantly,no significant difference in different density,and no significant differences in the effect between inter annual interaction and density.%于湖南省青羊湖国有林场选择18年生的马尾松人工中龄林,间伐后对其进行施肥试验,施肥后连续2年对试验林生长情况进行观测,并分析施肥后的经济收益。结果表明:不同密度的马尾松中龄林施肥1年后,经济收益均为负值;施肥2年后,密度为750株/hm2林分的经济收益为负值,但密度为900株/hm2和1050株/hm2林分的经济收益均为正值。不同密度林分施肥1年和2年后较对照平均单位面积材积和木材收益均有不同程度的增长,且均随着密度的加大而增大。木材经济收益在年度间差异极显著,密度间差异不显著,年度间与密度间交互效应不显著。



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