首页> 中文期刊>湖南农业科学 >常德津市农田生态系统服务功能的价值评估




To provide the basis for the green GDP accounting in Jinshi of Changde city,changing the farmland ecosystem concept of residents,and enhancing the protection awareness of residents to farmland ecosystem,the values of six functions of farmland ecosystem in Jinshi of Changde city,products providing,carbon fixation and oxygen release,climate regulation,nutrients conservation,water conservation and non-use value,were evaluated and analyzed by SPASS16.0 software based on ecology and environmental economics and according to Jinshi 2011 Annual Statistical yearbook.The results showed that the total value of farmland ecosystem service function in Jinshi is 2.0727 billion yuan,in which the direct economic value is 958.23 million yuan; the value of fixing carbon and releasing oxygen is 566.37 million yuan; the value of climate regulation is 493.47 million yuan; the value of nutrients conservation is 13.70 million yuan; the value of water conservation is 13.23 million yuan; the non-use value is 27.63 million yuan.%为了给常德津市绿色GDP核算提供依据,转变居民对农田生态系统的认识观念,提高居民对农田生态系统的保护意识.以常德津市2011年度统计年鉴数据为基础,结合生态学和环境经济学,采用SPASS 16.0软件,对常德津市农田生态系统的产品提供、固碳释氧、气候调节、营养物质保持、涵养水源以及非使用价值等6项生态系统功能进行了价值评估分析.结果表明:津市城市农田生态系统服务功能的总价值为20.727亿元,其中直接经济价值为95 823.68万元;固碳释氧价值为56 637.43万元;气候调节价值为49347.18万元;营养物质保持价值为1370.7万元;涵养水源价值为1323.3万元;非使用价值为2763.1万元.



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