首页> 中文期刊>湖南农业科学 >城乡统筹发展中农民土地权益保障研究




Based on defining the connotation of coordinating urban and rural areas, farmers’ rights and interests of land, and land transfer, this paper analyzed the dynamic mechanism of land transfer during coordinating urban and rural development, and discussed the reasons caused farmers’ rights and interests of land damaged. Finally, some specific countermeasures are put forwarded, such as perfecting land property system and strengthening property attribute of the land; determining market value for lands and perfecting land expropriation system; perfecting social security system and promoting citizenization for farmers; perfecting intermediary organization and promoting land transfer orderly; building legal organizations of maintaining legal rights for farmers, and improving consciousness of maintaining legal rights of farmers.%从城乡统筹、农民土地权益、土地流转等概念出发,对城乡统筹发展中土地流转的动力机制进行深入分析,在此基础上,进一步探讨了城乡统筹发展中农民土地权益受损的症结所在,最后从完善土地产权制度,强化土地的资产属性;明确土地市场价值,完善土地征收制度;完善社会保障制度,推进农民市民化进程;完善中介组织,促进土地有序流转;建立法定的农民维权组织,增强农民的维权意识等方面提出具有针对性、可操作性的对策体系。



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