首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南农业科学》 >陕南农村信息服务供需研究




为了农村信息服务主体更好地为农户(农业企业)提供信息服务,依据随机抽取的陕南三市12个村360个农户(农业企业)的样本数据和随机抽取的14个信息服务主体样本,调查了陕南2012年的农村信息服务供需现状,分析了未来陕南农村信息服务的需求。结果表明,46.4%的农户(农业企业)对信息服务有需要并得到了服务;95.8%的农户(农业企业)获得的信息服务来自于政府;40%的农户(农业企业)在未来有较强烈的信息服务需求,但只有15.8%的农户(农业企业)愿意在未来为获取信息服务支付一定费用。最后,就提高农村信息服务水平提出了建议。%The m ain part of rural inform ation service w as to provide inform ation services for the farm er households agricultural enterprises.The situation of the supply and dem and of ruralinform ation service in Southern Shaanxiin 2012 w as investigated,and the dem and of rural inform ation service in the future w as analyzed based on random sam ple data of 360 farm ers households (agricultural enterprises)in need and sam ples of14 subjectinform ation service of12 villages in 3 cities.The results show ed that46.4% ofthe farm er households (agriculturalenterprises)needed and gotthe inform ation service atthe sam e tim e;95.8% ofthe farm erhouseholds (agricultural enterprises) obtained inform ation service from the governm ent; 40% of the farm er households (agricultural enterprises) had a strong dem and aboutinform ation service in the future,butonly 15.8% ofthe farm er households (agriculturalenterprises)w ere w illing to pay for inform ation servicesin few years.Finally,som e suggestionsforim proving the levelofruralinform ation service w ere putforw ard.



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