首页> 中文期刊> 《湖南农业科学 》 >小冬瓜新品种“小家碧玉”的选育




“Xiaojiabiyu” is a new F1 hybrid melon variety developed from the cross between “F60” as male parent and “X106”as female parent, which is a earlier maturity variety. The ifrst female lfower node is 8-10, and lord tendril knot melon with high fruit-set rate and harvest much. The fruit is small cylindrical in shape, lower rate of dehiscent fruit, fresh melon in tender green with white patches, old in white with powder. The fruit size is about 25 cm long in 10 cm wide and 3.2 cm in thickness, mean fruit weight 1-2 kg, yeild 12 000 kg/hm2, and the mature fruit is green. Immature and mature melons are edible, and can be harvested 4-5 times. It tasted crunchy and fragrant, when eating melon soup, or fried, and it bears the storage and transportation, suited for cultivation in open ifeld or greenhouse in south and north of China.%“小家碧玉”冬瓜是以父本X106和母本F60的杂交新品种,“小家碧玉”冬瓜较早熟,第一雌花节位8~10节,主侧蔓结瓜,坐瓜率高,采收期长。果实小圆柱形,嫩瓜绿色,有白斑,老熟瓜为白色有蜡粉,不束腰,不易裂果,商品瓜长25 cm左右,瓜径10 cm左右,瓜肉厚3.2 cm,瓜肉紧实,瓜肉绿色。单瓜重1~2 kg,一般产量约8000 kg/667m2。老熟瓜、嫩瓜均可食用,可多次采收,一般采收4~5批次。味清香脆爽,清炒、煲汤均可。该品种极耐贮藏和运输,适于南、北方露地或大棚栽培。



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